
Its Elliot from Energize, your local County Sport Partnership. We are currently approaching clubs to see if they would be interested in using a free online tool called club matters. It essentially helps clubs understand what their weaknesses are and how to go about improving.

The link to sign up and complete the club improvement tool is here- http://www.sportenglandclubmatters.com/

If you have any questions please let me know.


AUTHOR: Elliot Pottinger
AUTHOR EMAIL: elliot.pottinger@energizestw.org.uk
AUTHOR URL: http://07852871589
SUBJECT: New enquiry: Bridgnorth Tae Kwon-Do
[1_Name] => Elliot Pottinger
[2_Email] => elliot.pottinger@energizestw.org.uk
[3_Telephone Number] => 07852871589
[4_Comment] => Hi,

Its Elliot from Energize, your local County Sport Partnership. We are currently approaching clubs to see if they would be interested in using a free online tool called club matters. It essentially helps clubs understand what their weaknesses are and how to go about improving.

The link to sign up and complete the club improvement tool is here- http://www.sportenglandclubmatters.com/

If you have any questions please let me know.
