Hi – just wondering what age do you take children from as I am interested in getting my girls involved in Tae Kwon-do.
Also do you have any space on a Monday? And what are the cost of classes?
Thank you.

Sarah Howell

AUTHOR: Sarah Howell
AUTHOR EMAIL: sarah.howell@live.co.uk
SUBJECT: New enquiry: Bridgnorth Tae Kwon-Do
[1_Name] => Sarah Howell
[2_Email] => sarah.howell@live.co.uk
[3_Telephone Number] =>
[4_Comment] => Hi – just wondering what age do you take children from as I am interested in getting my girls involved in Tae Kwon-do.
Also do you have any space on a Monday? And what are the cost of classes?
Thank you.

Sarah Howell