Bridgnorth Tae Kwon-Do is wholly committed to ensuring that all children and adults who engage with us can train in a safe and secure environment. To fulfil this commitment, a number of safeguarding arrangements are in place.
Bridgnorth Tae Kwon-Do were first awarded a Mark from the Safeguarding Code for a quality mark in safeguarding in February 2020. The Safeguarding Code in Martial Arts has been developed in conjunction with Sport England to award clubs who have shown an understanding and commitment to protecting the welfare of their community and younger people.
All of our Instructors have public liability insurance, first aid training and have passed an enhanced level DBS check. New instructors will only be recruited subject to passing all of these checks. Opportunities for safeguarding training have been offered to all Instructors. Safeguarding policies are reviewed annually (at least) and retraining is conducted every three years in accordance with the NSPCC Safeguarding Children in Sport recommendations.
Click to read Bridgnorth Tae Kwon-Do’s Safeguarding Policy, Combined Children and Adults and Policy for Adults.
Click to read Bridgnorth Tae Kwon-Do’s Safe Practice Policy
We expect all of our instructors, students and parents to behave according to the NSPCC codes of conduct.
We expect our instructors to implement our safeguarding policies and provide a safe training environment. We expect them to deliver fun and engaging sessions whilst maintaining appropriate boundaries and to use positive, constructive methods to develop students’ skills and self confidence. Click to read the NSPCC Code of conduct for staff and volunteers.
We expect parents and carers to support without undue pressure. To make sure students have the appropriate kit and refreshments for each training session, and to talk to us if you have any concerns. Click to read the NSPCC Code of conduct for parents and carers.
We expect our students to behave responsibly, to listen to the instructors and to tell us when something feels wrong. To treat other students with respect, to welcome others and help them feel a part of the club. Click to read the NSPCC Code of conduct for children and young people.
Click to contact ChildLine.
The NSPCC also gives helpful guidance on
- Internet and social media
- Photography and sharing images
- Events and away trips
- Preventing abuse of positions of trust in sport
We only take and share photographs of children with the written consent of the child and their parent or carer. Photographs are deleted from the device on which they are taken, once published. If you are a student, parent or carer and wish to withdraw your consent at any time, please contact us immediately.
Please read our Privacy Notice which was written with guidance from the Sports and Recreation Alliance and which includes information on confidentiality, data protection and data sharing. Under the ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office) guidance as at June 2020 we are not required to appoint a Data Processing Officer, or register with the ICO since we do not fulfil the criteria. Our GDPR Working Party consists of Gary Plant and Anna Bradford and any new Instructors will be given training on confidentiality, data protection and data sharing.
Our designated welfare officer is Anna Bradford (who by law is pictured below), please contact her with any concerns or comments:
- 07866 922464
- bridgnorthtaekwondo@hotmail.co.uk
Concerns raised will be documented and reported to the relevant authority. The Local Authority Designated Welfare Officer for Shropshire can be contacted on 03456 789044 (or, out of hours, on 03456 789040).